About Heron GRO 200 | 200GPD RO Water Purifier
Introducing the Heron G-RO-200, your ultimate water purification solution! With a 6-month warranty and top-notch 5-stage purification, this product is a game-changer. Made in China, it boasts a massive 40-liter reserve tank, catering to families of 1 to 40 persons. The RO membrane, featuring USA technology, ensures pristine water quality. Plus, it can produce an impressive 31.50(±) liters per hour, ensuring you never run out of purified water. Upgrade your water purification game with Heron!
RO Water Purifier
Many bottled water firms utilize the same technology to provide safe and delicious drinking water. The only reverse osmosis system that fits your faucet and incorporates carbon filtering is our 200GPD Heron RO Water Purifier system. Chlorine, tastes, and odors are all removed by the carbon pre-filter. Heron RO Water Purifier, with a capacity of 200 gallons per day. It’s the smallest reverse osmosis system on the market. Finally, the Taste and Odor Filter are all included in our 200GPD Heron RO Water Purifier.
Features of Heron GRO 200
Reverse Osmosis
100% Purity Ensured
5 Purification Stage
100 % Salinity Removed
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